This is just a forum for me to vent and try to be creative. Hopefully it'll make me rich, though not neccessarily famous. Who needs fame? Anyway, stranger things have happened. Haven't they?



You know, there are things that I wanna write about, but they are mostly too personal. At least, they feel too personal. But what else is there except personal stuff? I'm not some political pundit. I mean, I read the news and I have some idea what's going on, but I am way more concerned with what's happening under my roof than the White House's.

But I'm not really sure to be telling complete strangers about my business, or my wife's business, or my kids' business. I must admit that I am tempted though.

The other thing is that, to the best of my knowledge no one is reading this anyway. It's kind of ridiculous for me to be treating it as some type of public forum, when really all it is is some kind of glorified journal.

I guess that my wish is that someone will stumble across this one day and find it kind of interesting or humorous in a Seinfeld-ish kind of way. You know, "He's not really talking about anything, but it's engaging nothingness!"

Oh well. I have a right to dream!


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