This is just a forum for me to vent and try to be creative. Hopefully it'll make me rich, though not neccessarily famous. Who needs fame? Anyway, stranger things have happened. Haven't they?



Long time, no hear, huh?

I deluded myself when I first started this site. I thought that I would be able to contribute to it everyday. Not! I'm just too busy parenting, husbanding, schooling, etc to spend time every day, especially quality time, writing at this site. Also not getting any feedback is kind of disillusioning too. I know that it's only been here for less than two weeks, and there are countless other blog sites out there. I guess that wanting everything immediately is just part of my nature.

But I realize that just because I've gotten no comments, doesn't mean that I've gotten no hits. I thought about putting a "hit" counter on here, but I'm real paranoid about downloading stuff onto my computer. You never know what you're getting with it.

Anyway, if you are checking this humble site out, please spare a few moments if you can to just hit the comment icon and let me know that you've read it. I'd appreciate it.


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