This is just a forum for me to vent and try to be creative. Hopefully it'll make me rich, though not neccessarily famous. Who needs fame? Anyway, stranger things have happened. Haven't they?



I was reading today about Cindy Sheehan, mother of Casey Sheehan, a soldier who was killed in Iraq last year. For those that don't know, Mrs. Sheehan has been camped out, not far from a ranch in Texas that President Bush owns and is currently vacationing at, since August 6. She is protesting the war in Iraq and wants the president to meet with her and other families of soldiers who have been killed in the war. She has since been joined by a few hundred others who share her view of the war.

The media have jumped all over her story and, consequently, have helped to raise the profile of the anti-war movement. Tonight a vigil is planned at various sites around the world in support of Mrs. Sheehan and against the war war in Iraq. As one might suspect, this type of activity is bringing about similar action from those for the war. A group of pro-war demonstrators has set up camp across the road from Mrs. Sheehan and her supporters. They accuse her of being "unpatriotic" and "hurting troop morale." One nearby resident, Larry Mattlage, even went so far as to fire his shotgun twice into the air while some of the anti-war demonstrators were holding a religious service. When confronted by the authorities, the local police and the secret service, he said, ""I ain't threatening nobody, and I ain't pointing a gun at nobody," Mattlage said. "This is Texas." He said that he had fired the gun in preparation for duck hunting season. When asked if he had any other motive for his display he said, "Figure it out for yourself."

I've figured it out. He's a moron. A hick. An old-fashioned rube. A throwback to the old days when some folks in this country felt free to demonstrate their dedication to "traditional" American values like bigotry, sexism and the persecution of anyone who didn't fit into their perception of decent folk or those who dared voice their dissent. True, he hasn't burned any crosses or participated in any lynchings that I know of...yet, but his act, to me, is disturbingly familiar.

He says he, "ain't threatening nobody." I don't know what most people would make of someone firing a high-powered weapon near them, but I for one would certainly consider it threatening. Maybe things are a little different down in the big ole state of Texas. He did say, "This is Texas." What's that mean? When people piss us off down here we're civilized enough to give them a warning shot first? Is that what he's bragging about? And what's next, now that the warning has been given?

It just reminds me some of the tactics used 40 years ago in the south when some had the nerve to try and vote and others had the audacity to try and help them. There were "warnings" first there too. Then they upped the ante some.



  • I’m not surprised that a Marine drill sergeant was recently charged with negligent homicide, assault and failure to obey an order recently. The instructor, Staff Sgt. Nadya Y. Lopez apparently was complicit in the drowning death of Pvt. Jason Tharp, 19, of Sutton, West Virginia. I am not surprised because almost fifteen years ago I went through the U.S. Army’s basic training. I was an old fart by most standards – 29 yrs old. Anyway, if the two month experience wasn’t my closest experience to hell on earth (and it wasn’t), then it probably comes in second. I distinctly remember thinking at various times, while being “smoked” (made to exercise strenuously to torturous degrees while enduring verbal abuse) that they were trying to kill us. Granted, that was probably a bit hyperbolic, but in the same situation I don’t doubt that many would have the same thoughts. The military is not for everyone and I believe that basic training is meant, in part, to weed out those who would be more liability than asset. This is certainly not meant to be a defense of the means and policies by which the various branches of the U.S. military do their business; neither frankly is it meant to be an indictment. It just is the way it is.

  • A man in Massachusetts lost it and shot a man to death in a fit of road rage. Big deal, you say? The victim was sitting in the front seat of his car with his 10-month old daughter next to him. The alleged shooter, 60-yr old Walter R. Bishop, returned to the scene of an earlier argument that he had with 27-yr old Sandro Andrade after he dropped his wife off, and shot the man four times in broad daylight! A witness, Louis McPhee, reported that, "The guy was lying there in his own blood with a hole in his head and his arm still on the baby." People are losing control. Tread lightly.

  • Is it just me, or is this at least mildly humorous? In an article in USA Today online there is an article about how giant waves may be more common than previously thought. They go on to explain how scientific instruments on the sea floor are detecting some of these huge waves. Then they say, “Because shipping tends to try to avoid hurricanes, many large waves are unseen by humans, let alone measured.” What’s so funny? “Because shipping tends to try to avoid hurricanes…”?!? I’m wondering who would think that someone piloting a boat might head toward a hurricane; hoping for a little excitement, maybe?

  • About the press covering the disappearance of Latoyia Figueroa, the missing, pregnant black woman in Philly? No they’re not. They covered the fact that a few people and publications were covering it. End of subject. She isn’t white. What was I thinking?