This is just a forum for me to vent and try to be creative. Hopefully it'll make me rich, though not neccessarily famous. Who needs fame? Anyway, stranger things have happened. Haven't they?



Life can be difficult… extremely difficult. I don’t think that is a newsflash for anyone reading this.

There was a time in my life where I was pretty aggressively doing dumb, self-destructive stuff on a regular basis. I was clueless and lost. Then, after a very long period of time being a dumb-ass, I made a conscious decision to make a change. And I did that. I made a change. A big one. It’s been over twelve years now since I made that decision and went about changing my ways and guess what? I still often feel clueless and lost.

It’s funny (as in ironic), because when I was screwing my life up big time it seems as though people kind of accepted me as a screw-up and didn’t really hold it against me. Since I’ve made serious changes and am attempting to live a responsible life it seems as if I’ve made several enemies, as if I’ve turned several people who were previously friends, good friends, I thought, against me. I’m not trying to insinuate that these people liked me better as a screw-up. In fact, the people that I refer to probably would opine that I am still a major screw-up and therein lies the problem!

Sometimes I have to tell myself, “Ric. You have helped to raise two children and am bringing up a third! You have brought some measure of happiness and fulfillment to your wife (and vice versa – both in terms of the opposite of what I’ve brought and the fact that she’s brought happiness and fulfillment to me).” But, in general, I am trying my damndest to be a productive, responsible, mature member of society and sometimes it just feels as if it ain’t paying off that great!

So…… now that I’ve had my emotional dump, let me get off of my pity-pot and take a more sweeping and inclusive appraisal of my life thus far.

a) The dumb-ass that I used to be? I’m not that dumb-ass anymore! (I’m a different one – new model! - Demz jokes!)
b) I have a beautiful wife that loves me and three beautiful kids that, though they drive me out of my ever-loving mind and worry me to no end, love me too! And who doesn’t want someone who loves and appreciates them?
c) I’m in decent health. Hell! I’m forty-eight years old! I take a few meds err’day now, but I can get around and do my thing!
d) Though me and mine suffer a lot of setbacks – and we do! Ain’t no need of being disingenuous about it! Life be rougher den a muhfuh sometimes, naw mean? – I’m sorry. I had a moment there…… In layperson’s terms - I was saying… we suffer some setbacks, BUT I take note of the blessings! And there are many! I thank God for those!
e) As my mother-in-law likes to say, life, “never promised us a rose garden.” (Ok! It’s not an original sentiment, but I love her for it anyway!) But we can keep digging those weeds and try and let those roses grow! And, goshdarnit, if we can’t grow roses, appreciate the doggone weeds! In the words of my man, Mac Davis (if you don’t remember him, you’re too young. Don’t worry about it!) “Everything is beautiful/In its own way!

Thanks for reading my rant! God is good and we gon’ be aw-ite!


At 3:50 PM, December 28, 2010, Anonymous Farria said...

I just HAD to comment on this, cuz seems as tho you and I are always going thru some bs around the same time! LOL.
I'm right there with you, though. We were doing so, SO beautifully, financially this time last year, and then in June, the bottom fell out completely! Hubby and I were laid off within weeks of one another, and life got REALLY tricky for awhile (well, hell, it's still pretty tricky). It was (still is, sometimes) SOOOO frustrating!
But, you know what? I wouldn't even trade that difficulty. "WHY?!" you may ask. Because those difficulties have brought my husband and I closer together and both of us closer to God. That's something I could never regret. Sure, lots of what's gone on for the past 6 months has sucked (had a couple things shut off, unable to get my shopping jones on, couldn't get much for hubby or me for Christmas). But a LOT of the last 6 months has also been GREAT: More love and trust in The Most High than ever before, greater closeness with the fam (when the cable's off, you've gotta entertain each other!), and appreciation for the basics (when you don't have it, you don't worry about it!).
So, overall, yes some things have sucked, and I do hope that things continue to get better for us financially. But life is still GOOD, if you think about it as such. I forgot where I heard this, but someone said something that stuck with me: "It's only a bad day if you say it is." Same applies to life, I guess.


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