This is just a forum for me to vent and try to be creative. Hopefully it'll make me rich, though not neccessarily famous. Who needs fame? Anyway, stranger things have happened. Haven't they?



For the last few weeks I have been posting little nuggets about faith on my Facebook page because I really have been appreciating the work of my God in my life. Additionally, I recently posted a blog here about the power of belief and expectations, talking about how we should “expect blessings.”

Well, now my faith is being put to the test.

My wife doesn’t like me putting our business in the street (to put it mildly) and I have learned that I can’t be as open with my business as I used to be when I was a single man, because it’s not just my business anymore. So it should suffice to say that we are facing some serious challenges.

As I put it on a Facebook posting, “It’s time to put my faith where my mouth is.”

It’s not easy.

I believe that we are conditioned to expect the worse in any given situation. People like to call it, “being realistic.” Well, what defines what “realistic” is? Realistically, isn’t it just as possible for something good to happen as something bad? And, if it isn’t probable, is it at all possible? My understanding is that, with God, all things are possible and I have witnessed many improbable things happen in my life.

I also believe in the power of prayer, which I believe is just letting your God know what it is you want. You may not get it; you can imagine what the world would be like if everyone did, but oftentimes you do. And if you don’t get what it is that you want it’s all about trusting that God knows what’s best.

I wrote a song, many, many years ago that had a verse that said, “What you might think a downfall might be a blessing in disguise.” Though it’s hard for me to remember being possessed of that kind of wisdom back in those youthful, often stupid days, I think that I was on to something there. It does no good to have a tantrum, whining because things aren’t going the way that you want them to. It’s better to accept what is and keep your eyes open for the next blessing.

So, I step into this breach, this realm of the unknown, with as much faith as I can muster. I strive to not give in to the lifelong habit of fearing the worse. Instead I will expect the best and accept what transpires, even if it isn’t what I think is “the best.”

As a fella at my job told me earlier tonight, “It’s easy to make your mouth say things, or to make your body do things. “ The trick is getting your heart to believe.


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