This is just a forum for me to vent and try to be creative. Hopefully it'll make me rich, though not neccessarily famous. Who needs fame? Anyway, stranger things have happened. Haven't they?



I just checked out the tirade that Michael Richards, "Kramer" from Seinfeld, unleashed on some hecklers that just happened to be black. As I was scrolling through the responses, I waited to see how many people would make excuses for that incredibly ignorant, stupid rant. But I concluded years ago that when people come up with rationales for there racist views, it is just that - a rationale. And, hey! People always develop excuses for their behavior when they have some idea that it may be wrong. Additionally, we live in a racist society. As we heard, the brother had some racist slurs of his own to hurl back. Of course, as they say in some quarters, "Don't start none, won't be none!"

As for the "rules" on the use of the word "nigger" or "nigga"... What some people, black and white, don't seem to grasp fully is that, perhaps more than any other word, the word, "NIGGER" has a history that has made it a particularly sensitive one, and a volatile one in the wrong hands (or mouths). Yes, the "rules" about who can use it and how they can use it can be confusing, but it is not some unfathomable mystery. Seared into the psychic memory of this country are way too many incidents where that word prefaced or accompanied the subjugation, torture and murder of blacks by whites. Is there any wonder that, to this day, black people should flinch at hearing that word issuing from a white face? As for our propensity to use it do describe each other: We have a long history in this country of using objectionable and/or discarded materials to our best advantage because that is often all that we got. This quandary has, in the past, resulted in what is called "soul food", as well as jazz music, hip-hop and many other creative expressions as well as necessary developments in the black community.

So, what to do with this hateful word that these white folks keep calling us? Transform it! Let's try and lessen its power, at least amongst ourselves, by embracing it among ourselves as an expression of endearment. Hasn't exactly worked out perfectly but, hey...

Lastly, to be honest, it is also an expression of self-hate. It's an unfortunate truth. After 400 years of slavery and oppression, maintained, among other means, by convincing a people that they are inferior to other human beings, that stigma isn’t easily shed. It is like a child enduring the same kind of soul-destroying from a parent that raises them to believe that they are inferior or stupid, ugly, etc, until the child finally escapes that environment. Though they may struggle to free themselves of the psychological scars left by unrelenting degradation, they may not live long enough to understand in their soul that the lies and hate fed them were a reflection of the sickness of their tormenter rather than a real truth.

Lastly, it isn't always used endearingly amongst ourselves. Many times we use it toward each other to express something less than great affection. But even then it is not like being called a "nigger" by a white person.


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