This is just a forum for me to vent and try to be creative. Hopefully it'll make me rich, though not neccessarily famous. Who needs fame? Anyway, stranger things have happened. Haven't they?



OK. Now I've finally figured out how to get a picture on here, but it's humongous! I'm going to try and trim it down to a reasonable size, in the meantime you'll just have to bear this huge visage!

Anyhoo! I've got some serious business to post on here. This ties in with a previous entry (See: Devotion).

Ama Thomas is still in a coma and is being cared for by her husband, Phil. They are persevering through trying circumstances. People like to make noises about compassion and love, unity and such. Let's not just talk about it - Let's be about it! Give. Help if you can. Thank you.

If you have any doubts about the veracity of this cause, please see the previous "DEVOTION" entry, dated 4.15.


A fundraiser for the family of

Ama Johnson Thomas


AUGUST 21, 2005

at the HotHouse, 31 East Balbo

1:00—6:00 p.m.

Phillip Thomas’s loving wife, Ama has been in a coma for six months leaving the family devastated and without the support of her loving guidance. This fundraiser is an effort designed to raise funds to assist the family in covering medical and in-home extended care expenses, childcare, school tuition and transportation.

Please come out to the HotHouse and hear music performed by Yoko Noge’s Jazz Me Blues, Muntu Dance Theatre , Ernest Dawkins, and many other artists who are donating their talents to assist with this very special gathering. Tickets can be purchased on line at the Hothouse website: https://www.hothouse.net/home/tickets_preview.jsp?showId=1178

Proceeds will go to the Ujima for Ama Fund, administred through the Black United Fund of Illinois. Donations are tax deductible.


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