This is just a forum for me to vent and try to be creative. Hopefully it'll make me rich, though not neccessarily famous. Who needs fame? Anyway, stranger things have happened. Haven't they?



I was reading the latest on the Michael Jackson trial today when a realization hit me - I'm actually rooting for Mike!

Don't get me wrong. If he is guilty he needs his hind quarters thrown into the clink! There's no twelve ways abou that! But, I'd be lying if I said that I don't sincerely hope, and maybe even believe, that he's not guilty.

Like I wrote about before, I grew up with Michael Jackson (not literally - see previous entry). I've watched, first with happiness, then dismay as he scaled the heights of fame, and then crashed slowly but steadily down to that creepy world of celebrities who are known, not for their talents, but for their never ending contributions to the sleazy industry of tabloid reporting. (No offense to all of the tabloids out there...well, maybe a little offense meant).

I've been appalled and more than a little disgusted as he physically transmogrified himself into something other than human. Yeah. Vitiligo. I know. Right. You know, I'd be more inclined to believe that, if he hadn't done so many other things that indicate a desire to be seen as something other than a black man; everything from the nose job(s), to the hair thing, to his choice of associates. Now, like other celebrity African-Americans who have suddenly found themselves on the outs with the people that they've worked so hard to identify with and be loved by, I see Mike surrounding himself with everyone from the Nation of Islam to Jesse Jackson. Now, tell the truth. Could you see Mike allowing himself to be associated with the Nation of Islam in any way, shape or form, before all of his...troubles? Of course not! Jesse? Maybe. Farrakhan? Hell, frickin no!

Anyway, I digress. What I'm saying, is that, despite all of the doubts and hard feelings that I have about the man, I still hope, not that he isn't found guilty, but that he isn't guilty. I would like it if it could be conclusively proven, as much as that might be possible, that he did not molest his accuser, nor any other kids. I doubt that will happen, though. I think the best that can be hoped for is that he will be found not guilty, with enough evidence to support that verdict to reassure those of us that sincerely hope that he is not the sick individual that it appears that he might be.


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